Dr. Mukesh Sharma (M.Sc. Ph.D., DCA, BAFS), is holding the post of Assistant Director in Physics Division at Regional Forensic Science Laboratory, Bharatpur (Raj.). He has completed his Ph.D. in 2005, in the field of Material Science, joined as SSO, in Forensic Science through RPSC with rank first. He has been involved and performing duties in the field of forensic science since July 2008. He has published more than 120 research articles in International/National Journals/ Conferences/Magazines including CBI Bulletin (India), Evidence Tech. Magazine (USA), Crime Watch Canada Magazine (Canada), Digital Forensic Magazine (USA) and Journals in Forensic Sciences and 07 text books in Engineering. His fields of research are Material Science, Trace evidence analysis, Forensic Physics, Cyber Forensic/Digital Forensic and Crime Scene Management. Recently, he has been elected as Associate Member of British Academy of Forensic Science, England (First Indian Forensic Scientist). His expertise in instrumental measurements on XRD, XRF, SEM and GRIM used in Forensic trace evidences analysis. Dr. Sharma is the fellow member and life member of National/International renowned societies as IANCAS (India), ISRP (India), ISOI (India), IXAS (Italy), IACSIT, (Singapore: Fellow Member : 80341901), ISCMNS (England), SASCV (India) , UACEE (Thailand) and SDIWC (Taiwan) etc. Get trainings in various forensic techniques of examination from National Institute of Justice (Online) (USA), NICFS (Delhi), BARC (Bombay) and DO-IT, MHA (Delhi). His work is being appreciated time-totime by the senior officers. He is reviewer of 10 International Journal, those deal with the Material Science, Computer/Cyber Forensic, Forensic Science like International Journal of Forensic Engg. (IJFE), SPIE, Journal of Forensic Research etc. He is familiar to the Computational Materials Science code for Band structure calculations like CRYSTAL06 (Torino, Italy) and WIEN2K (Vienna, Austria) get training from the developers. He has delivered 17 Invited talks in National and International Conferences in India and also having experience of teaching PG course in Forensic as Guest speaker at NICFS, New Delhi. Recently, Prof. Anil Agrrawal renowned forensic medicine expert of India published a book entitled “Textbook of Forensic Medicine and Toxicology†(ISBN No. 9788177394191), in this book he has used some crime scene picture taken by Dr. Sharma for illustrations. Forensic Lab Contribution: Crime Scene Visited: - 585 Case Reported as Assistant Director – 300 Attended Court Evidence: - 71 Awards – 1. DST and AICTE as Young Scientist Travel Grant Torino, Italy (2006). 2. CCSTDS and CSIR Young Scientist Awards Vienna, Austria (2008). 3. Young Promising Scientist in Forensic Sciences, at International Conference on Futuristic Material (ICFM - 2015), 5 – 7 Feb., 2015, at Nagpur University, Nagpur 4. In Year 2016, ICTCS 2016, Computer Society of India, Udaipur chapter has awarded as Excellence Award in Forensic Science 2016. 5. In Year 2017, ITSR (Jaipur), 25 Nov., 2017 at Jaipur has awarded as “Excellence in Cyber Security 2017†6. Aug 2018, IOSRD, Bangalore, 10 – 11 Aug awarded as “Certificate of Achievement - 2018â€
Research Interest
His fields of research are Material Science, Trace evidence analysis, Forensic Physics, Cyber Forensic/Digital Forensic and Crime Scene Management. Recently, he has been elected as Associate Member of British Academy of Forensic Science, England (First Indian Forensic Scientist). His expertise in instrumental measurements on XRD, XRF, SEM and GRIM used in Forensic trace evidences analysis